Home Page

Modified on 2014/06/06 18:02 by Mark Stahura — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Authenticated Home Page

We wanted to make Sparkhouse Online a place where, regardless of your role in your Sunday school program, you are provided with the information you need in the most efficient way possible. For this reason, the information you see when you sign in is specific to your role.

===All Classes & Events === Use the small calendar to view classes & events for past or upcoming months. Click on any item in the list to navigate to the Classes/Event Planning page.

===Assigned Classes & Events === When a Leader is assigned to a class or an event, or a group a Leader belongs to is assigned to one of these, it will appear in the Leader’s “Assigned Classes & Events” view on his/her home page.

Use the small calendar to view classes & events for past or upcoming months. Click on any item in the list to navigate to the Class/Event Detail page.

My Family’s Classes & Events

“My Family’s Events” contains classes & events in which you and your family members are participating. Use the small calendar to view classes & events for past or upcoming months. Click on any item in the list to navigate to the Class/Event Detail page.

Church Announcements

Church Announcements is an area of the home page where Directors can post information for all of their Sparkhouse Online participants. Announcements do not get sent to users’ email addresses, but they do show up on the home page of every person at your church who logs into the site. 

The most recent announcement will always appear at the top of the list.


Alerts are important “To Do's” that pertain to people management and appear automatically on the home page of users with Director-level permissions.

When a person requests access to your church’s Sparkhouse Online account, when people have registered for open events, or when a Leader has declined an event assignment, an orange “People Waiting” alert will appear at the top of the Director’s home page.

To take action on an alert, click on the link under the “People Waiting” header.

Register for Open Classes or Events

When a Director creates an event, s/he can open the class series or event for registration. When this is done, the classes/event appear on the home page under “Register for  Classes/Events," and people on the site can sign up.

To register yourself or a family member for an open event, click on the name of the event.

You will be redirected to the Class/Event Detail page where you can select which family members to register.

Sparkhouse Announcements

Sparkhouse Announcements are notices from sparkhouse to the entire Sparkhouse Online community. These might include site updates, new content, or other time-sensitive information.

Related Articles:

Church Announcements

Classes & Events
Class/Event Detail
Classes/Event Planning

Sparkhouse Online Director Role
Sparkhouse Online Leader Role
Sparkhouse Online Parent Role

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