People & Groups

Modified on 2014/06/06 18:02 by Mark Stahura — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The People & Groups area allows Directors to do all of their people management in one convenient location. Only Directors can see and use this area. In the People area you can see all of the people who are entered into your church's Sparkhouse Online Sunday School subscription.


Primary Profile

Each person enrolled on your church's Sparkhouse Online Sunday School subscription has a Primary Profile. Primary Profiles contain all of the information needed for you to add people to Groups and send them Messages. You can also allow them to log into your subscription: click on the "Expand" tool just below the Email field to expand or collapse the needed area, and give them a Password and a Security Question and Answer. The site does not automatically notify people that they've been given this permission, so do pass this news on to the person in question. Much other information can be added as well.

Family Members

Each Primary Profile can have Family Members. There are two types of Family Members: Adult Family Members, and Child Family Members. An adult Family Member could be a spouse, partner, "ex," or grandparent, for instance. Adult Family Members do not appear in lists of People for Groups or for Messages. An Adult Family Member will receive all of the reminders and messages as the Primary Profile. This allows these family members to keep up on what's happening with kids they care about.

Child Family Members are the learners in your Sunday school. They should always be set up under their parent's Primary Profile, because then the parent(s) can receive messages and reminders from Directors. Parents can also be allowed to log into your church's subscription, and receive Parent Pages and other content they can use at home to continue enjoying the Bible stories that their kids heard in Sunday school. Child Family Member profiles can be assigned to a grade level, to help you manage your whole Sunday school program, and also contain other information that is vital to child safety: allergies, who is authorized to pick a child, etc.

Custom Profile Fields

In the Admin area of Sparkhouse Online Sunday School you can set up extra fields for Primary Profiles or for Child Family Members. This will help you capture the information you need to make your job easier!


The Groups tab on this page allows you to organize People to receive Messages, be assigned to Classes or Events, or receive the appropriate age-level content. You can create Groups for:
Simply click the Create Group link at the upper left of the Groups panel to create a new Group. With any existing Groups, use the tools on the right side of each Group listed, to Edit, Message the Leader(s), or Delete that Group.

Related Pages

Create a Group
Edit a Group

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