Sparkhouse Online Parent Role

Modified on 2014/06/10 16:12 by Mark Stahura — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Sparkhouse Online "Parent" Role



The Parent home page contains My Family’s Classes & Events, My Family’s Groups, Spark Directors, Register for Classes/Events, Church Announcements, Sparkhouse Announcements, and Buy Spark Bibles. For more on these, see the related article on the Home page.
Related Articles:


Parents are able to see the list of All Classes & Events published by their Sparkhouse Directors. Clicking on an event will navigate the Parent to the Series Overview page to register his/her family members. Parents can also view the full-screen Calendar.
Related Articles:
Classes & Events
Class/Event Detail
Series Overview

Message Center

Leaders and Parents can send email through the Message Center area of the site.

Related Articles:
Message Center


The functionality of the Profile page and area is not specified for a particular Sparkhouse Online role. For more information, see the Profile article.

Tip: Click Here to download "Getting Started with Sparkhouse Online: Parents."

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Sparkhouse Online Director Role
Sparkhouse Online Leader Role
Edit Profile of a Person

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